Our practice specializes in these areas of taxation listed below. We particularly understand the planning needed for retirement and how the tax laws can help you reach a successful retirement.
We will thoroughly and conscientiously study your personal situation, and tailor our advice to your specific needs.
IRS Representation
An IRS Audit can be an intimidating and complex process. If you or your business faces an IRS audit we will be your strong advocate with the IRS. No matter what the state of your financial documents or lack of documents we can help.
If you are getting IRS letters and are concerned about how to deal with a tax bill you cannot pay today, we will lay out the best options for you. Then we will aggressively represent you before the IRS to get you the best result possible.
Tax Preparation & Planning
Effective tax preparation and planning can help you to minimize your future tax liability. We can help you proactively manage both your personal and your business tax issues, including understanding how upcoming business opportunities impact your tax status and vice versa. Not all tax planning opportunities are readily apparent. By having us on your team, you are more likely to benefit from those opportunities. We understand how the latest federal, state and local tax legislation and other developments affect you and your business and we are constantly identifying new ways to reduce federal, state or local tax liabilities.